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Modern Shorts: 18 Short Stories

Editions:Paperback: $ 14.99
ISBN: 978-0-9911499-6-4
Pages: 248
ISBN: 978-0-9911499-5-7

Modern Shorts: 18 Short Stories features 18 modern short stories by the winners of the Fiction Attic Press Short Fiction Contest, with new fiction by Neil Mathison, Jane St. Claire, Timothy Boudreau, Linda Boroff, D.R.D. Bruton, Darlene Campos, Christopher David DiCicco, J.S. Kierland, Jen Knox, Claire E. Lombardo, John P. Loonam, Jennifer Marquardt, Jackie Davis Martin, Mark Pritchard, Suzanne Samples, JLSchneider, Thom Schwarz, and Owen Thomas.

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